Sunday, January 2, 2011

A Long December

"The smell of hospitals in winter
And the feeling that it's all a lot of oysters, but no pearls."

This line always makes me a little forlorn.  I think for some people this line holds a little bit more meaning.  I know some of you saw dark days in 2010, and the days seemed so dark as if you would never see the light.  The light that keeps your going because you seem to have no other choice.  Your heart seems to break every single day and you feel as if you can hardly keep yourself afloat.  I have been there.  I remember those days, those days that I felt as if I were drowning.  I could hardly keep my eyes open, and my heart was broken every single day.

I look back on that year and wonder how I got out of bed and functioned.  I wonder if I just went through the motions of living.  I barely knew myself and all I could do was pour my heart out into words. 

I can promise you this:  your days will get better, your life will turn around, you will just function some days and on other days you will really laugh and you will thrive.  You will smile to yourself because you know that you have made through the hard times and though hard times will return; it's okay.

This last year, was one of the best I've ever had and I am nervous about 2011.  My Jeremy will leave his family to places unknown again, and I will be a single parent.  However, I will be okay and though my days will be dark at times, I will function and even start to laugh and smile again. 

Here's a little song for you:

1 comment:

Julie said...

I absolutely love that song. That was the song I sang to Sammy from the time he was born, because, well. He was born in December....But you are right, my friend, and I too know those dark days. And sooner than you think, the sun will shine again, and slowly you begin to heal.