Saturday, March 26, 2011

A Little Help

I need some, and I don't mean the kind you get from sitting in a therapists office, but I need some help from my friends. I need your inspiration. I need your trust. I need your faith. I need your hearts, and above all I need you to be accepting of me and listen to me. I don't mean that surface listening that so many of us do to each other, but really listen to the words coming out of my mouth.

I am getting ready to embark into a world that I am not sure of. I have been asked to help and offered to assist a wonderful woman with a project. Her name is Susan and she started Operation Give a Hug ( Susan, not this Susan, saw a need to help military families connect with their loved ones that are in deployed locations with these dolls that hold a picture of their mom or dad that gone. Some of the dolls can record the parent’s voice too. The Army a few years ago started helping Susan and her friends with these dolls, and so far, the Army is the only branch to really utilize this amazing resource.

Well, here’s where things get interesting: I live by one of the largest Army posts, my Army wife network of awesomeness told me about this resource, and the Air Force has asked for a few dolls here and there, but nothing serious. Last night Susan asked me to help her “cross into the blue” so to speak. She wanted to know if I could get the AF to help sponsor some of these dolls for their families. I felt as if the entire AF world was on my shoulders, and I said yes. Honestly, I can’t see why the AF would say no. So, I have emailed the Airman & Family Readiness Center (AFRC) to let them know what is going on. I want to get in touch with the Air Force Aid Society too. But now I’m wondering if I should go to someone else in the AF, another office. Send me your ideas, suggestions, thoughts, whatever. This is something that I have to do. Children don’t understand deployments and if there is something that exists that can help them get through it a little easier, then I say let’s make it happen!

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