Friday, December 31, 2010

Obese Babies. I didn't know!

I really didn't know this was such a problem.  Now I wonder how much else do I need to know about as a new mom.  There is so much pressure on us to do it right so we won't hurt or mess up our kids.  I know my little boy will be fine, but still this is really a problem out in our world.  Read up, learn, and make sure you're feeding your kids healthy stuff and not junk!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

A General Rant About Everything...Part One

There will be many of these.  Since I have a lot to get off my chest, I will start.  I might even do bullet points! 

1.  Christmas.  It was our son's first Christmas.  It was okay.  People are sad when I tell them the truth so I say that it was good.  We ended up driving up to Edenton and then on Christmas Day driving 3 hours to Fuquay-Varina.  I was tired.  My son was tired, and so was my husband.  Please trust me when I write that I will not be doing that again.  I will be with one set of parents next year and I haven't decided if it will be my dad and step-mom or my mom and step-dad.  The baby is only 4 &1/2 months old; it's not like he understands what's going on.  I truly believe that a baby's first Christmas is all about the parents and I never got into the Christmas spirit.  Once he's older and baby number 2 in on the way; we will no longer travel.  That brings me to rant number two...that's right, there's a second one!

2.  Expectation to travel...all the freaking time!  I am a military wife.  I think you would gather that from the title of this blog.  I grew up as a military child.  We were always expected to travel to see people.  When living in Germany, we were expected to come back to the states to see our friends and family.  Now why would I want to waste vacation time and a lot of money traveling back and forth to the United States, when I am living in Europe for free???  Not only that, but I can travel cheaply in Europe because I live there and know how to travel in Europe!  Save some money and go to stay with your friends in foreign countries so you can travel.  I realize for some people this could be their first time on a plane, and leaving the country.  Step out of the comfort zone and you will see a whole big world!  Also, now that I'm back on the East Coast, I'm expected to pack up my child and travel to see all of my friends in VA.  Not happening.  Get in your car and drive the 4 hours to see me.  It's difficult to pack him up all the time, force him to get comfortable in a new environment, make him sleep in a pack and play, all while he's teething.  I'm not going to do this right now.  I love my son and want him to be as comfortable as possible in an uncomfortable time. 

3.  Flu Shots:  I'm seriously against them.  I don't believe that they work.  I think they are a waste of time, money, and my sore muscles.  I've gotten the flu shot twice and been the sickest I've ever been in years.  Please don't tell me how they work, because in my experience they don't.  Don't waste your time trying to convince me because you won't. 

I think I'm done for now.  There will be many more of these rants, but I need my outlet.  Just remember one thing, please don't force your opinions on people.  I have to be mindful of that too, and remember, military families may move all the time, but we establish homes at our new locations.  We like our homes and would like to share them with our friends and family.  It's insulting and hurtful that you don't want to come and see us!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

You Need To What's Best

For you and your child/children.  Okay, so this post has the potential of pissing people off, but since I have only two followers...I'm taking my chances.  I spent my weekend around two of the most wonderful little babies, twins, that are actually being breastfed.  I applaud the mother.  I was only able to breastfeed for 3 or 4 weeks before I had to stop.  Let me give you some background information. 

I had to go on blood pressure medicine because I was still having issues from being pre-eclamptic.  The first medicine I was on that allowed me to breastfeed didn't work, and so I had to go to one that went directly into my milk supply.  It was the hardest thing I've done so far as a mom.  And now, I look back on this and I realize that I was not going to be breastfeeding for my son, but for me.  I wanted to be special and I wanted to be the only one that could provide something for him.  I then proceeded to spiral into a depression.  I missed being pregnant so much.  I had a great pregnancy despite the 45lbs gain of fluids, the gall bladder issues, and the eventual BP problems.  I did water aerobics and swam laps almost daily.  I looked great and felt even better.  I loved that special bond that only I could have with my son.  Once he was born, it felt as if that bond was gone.  I now know that I was wrong.  I was fortunate that my husband saw what was coming and we got the help that I needed.  I'm a better person and mother for getting that help. 

Let's get back to my topic though.  I thought my little boy was a big baby when next to the twins.  They are small in their physique and my son looked like a pro linebacker compared to them.  So, I started asking some questions of the mom before I started making assumptions.  Her son is lactose intolerant, so she has given up dairy to breastfeed.  Her daughter isn't and probably needs the milk proteins.   I know that twins are small and don't have a lot of space because we aren't all that big, but I worry.  I can see that the mom worries too.  Why are you still breastfeeding one when he has difficulties with it was another question.  She just doesn't have the time to pump like I did.  She's feeding two.  That brought us into the discussion of how both our sons just don't want to work as hard for the milk.  Some days, they just want to be give them a bottle.  What I found so refreshing about the conversation is the realistic views that the mom has about her twins.  She knows that they are tiny babies, but in their 12 weeks of living they have doubled their weight, and are thriving, and are healthy.  You can't ask for much more.  The twin mommy also knew that she would have to start supplementing more and could finally start pumping because she's going back to work and obviously can't bring her children.  What I found so wonderful is that she's so honest, realistic, does what needs to be done, doesn't dwell on sadness, and is a fantastic mom.  The twin mommy is my sister in law and she's great!

Now here's what got me thinking though.  My son is formula fed now and is starting rice cereal.  He's actually pretty darn normal for his weight, but a little short.  Well, my husband and I are a little short...makes sense.  He's thriving and happy.  The twins are tiny, but they too are thriving and happy.  When I gave up breastfeeding the, excuse this term, the Nursing Nazis came out of the woodwork and told me that I had to breastfeed no matter what.  Seriously????  I almost passed out on my stairs because of my BP and my son was in my arms.  I was breastfeeding at all costs.  It was putting my health in danger.  What kind of parent would I be if I was that damned self-centered that I did something that could harm both me and my child????  Parenting is a hard job, and being a new parent is the hardest of them all.  What I saw when I gave up breastfeeding were these pushy bitches that didn't like me because of that.  Well, they can go back judgement land and hang out there because I don't need them in my life.  I'm so proud of my SIL and I'm proud of me.  We need to stick together moms, and not judge.  We need to remember that we are all giving something up that's important...let's try to remember that before we judge someone for their actions. 

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Blessings and such

Today I woke up thinking about all the people that have been in and out of my life.  I thought about the people that I've been great friends with and lost along my journey.  I thought about those that I lost and found again.  I thought about those that are still in my life.  Mostly, I have thought about those that are now my family.  You make me smile...all of you...all of the time.  My husband says I live in the past.  I think about it too much and live on the memories.  I don't agree, of course.  I live in the present and keep the past close to my heart. Some of the things that went on before, I don't want to happen again.  Some things I do. 

Being a military kid, and growing up in a foreign country was different.  I loved my childhood and I loved my home.  I still call Germany home because it is.  I think that military kids have a different outlook on life and it's something that I embrace and hope to share with my little one.  I want my son to see the world and all of its possibilities like I did and still do.  He may lose touch with some people when he's growing up, but like me, he will smile when he thinks of them.  They are his friends.  They are blessings in his life. 

As we finish up the journey towards Christmas this week, please remember to count your blessings in life.  Count them all and be thankful.  Hold people close to your heart, even if you can't hold them close to you in person.  Every single day, I think about the people in my life.  Thank you for being my blessing and thank you for making my life good!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

All I Can Say Is:

It's about freaking time.  How is it that gay people are viewed as substandard people that don't deserve the same rights as the rest of the world???!!!  Our country tried that with African-Americans and it almost worked until they were strong enough to make their voices heard. 

I'm so proud of Congress and our country!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Looking for a place to raise your kids...check this out!

It's a morning of sharing again!

I never knew this until now...

A friend shared this with me today. It makes sense.

In a world where it's hard to get out, things don't appear as safe, or whatever the case may be, being a mom can be isolating. I love being a mom, it's the most badass thing I've ever done. I have a cool kid too. He's a bit intense like me, and I swear he seems driven by a motor at times. If he turns out to be ADHD like me, I'm super okay with that. The little boy, as I like to call him, lets me know exactly what he needs and when he needs it. Here's the isolating part. Moms don't really talk about anything. We put on this facade like everything is okay. Guess what, it's not. I'm new at this, and I don't know what he's crying about at times. The little boy can be tough too. He loves to be played with, and have my attention. Who doesn't? There is already a difference between boys and girls. My brother and sis-in-law have twins and the girl is far more independent at 3 months than the boy. Maybe it's a guy thing. I don't know because I'm new at this!!!!!

What's a new mom to do??? I blog and facebook. That's how I get my social interaction. I will join mom groups on post and I will get back into my daily grind once I'm more settled, but for now, I need social media. I would be sad to loose this outlet and not only would it make me sad, but I feel that I have info share. It's hard to be a parent and it's hard to be a parent in a new location. So I guess I would have to thank some people out there...blogspot...thanks, make me smile...thank you!

To my mom friends out there....I love you!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

More information for all of us!!!!

These cribs have been banned.

As you can see, this is from Fox Business. I typically do not like Fox News at all. I'm a liberal...a big, old, bleeding heart liberal. I'm for responsible government that can be big at times, I'm for ethical companies and people, I'm against the death penalty because it is cruel and unusual punishment, and I am so pro education that I would make you want to run into a wall to get away from me when I start talking about education.

But let's get back to the topic...these side cribs have been banned. Please make sure you take care of you babies and don't let them get hurt by using these kinds of cribs!!!!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hey Everyone...go out and get some education! WooHoo!!!!

Cumberland County, where Ft. Bragg and Pope AAF are located is offering this:

This is about using the $6000 for spousal education and putting it to use in our county. I bet other bases/posts are doing something similar. If they aren't then see if they will!!!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

FRG??? You're so new to me!

To give you all some background, the branches of the military have programs that are designed to provide support, answers, etc to the single service member and the family member. These programs have different names for each branch. The Air Force has the Airman and Family Readiness Center and the Key Spouse Program. The Army has the Army Community Service and the Family Readiness Group. The Navy and Marines have their own as well. The Navy, in my opinion really seems to have it going on. They have always dealt with deployments based on the simple fact that they are the sea-faring branch. You have shore duty and sea duty, and when you have sea're gone a lot. The Marines and Army are tied. These two branches, in my opinion, have it hard. They are now constantly deployed and they are suffering great losses. The Air Force, is now starting to deploy on a regular basis. We need to in my opinion. If you are in the military, it's your job to protect and defend this country. However, our key spouse program is lacking. It was only implemented Air Force wide about two years ago. I believe March 2009. There doesn't seem to be a standardized training, and when training is offered, it's on the most inconvenient days. I've experienced this at Offutt, and apparently, it's like that here at Pope AFB. Well, that's missing the point...a program to support families, that won't borrow ideas or anything from the other branches that seem to be getting it right, and the training is offered at times that no one can seem to make it??? What's wrong with this? Once, the key spouse program at Offutt asked people for ideas about a financial planning seminar, so I suggested that we check out the FRG since I just took theirs before our move. Yeah...I was ignored. I love the AF, and I love all the branches, but the last I checked the global war on terror was applicable to all branches. Not only do all of our branches get deployed, but they all leave family behind. This isn't about bashing the AF and saying that another branch is better, it's about utilizing all the resources out there. My biggest complaint with the military is that it seems to me, that each branch has to do their own thing. If the Army FRGs work, then why not use them for all branches? The Marines use the same structure as an FRG, they just call it something else. What we need to remember is that we're all in this together.

So, I went to an unofficial FRG leaders meeting. It was a way for these amazing leaders to share ideas, best practices, how to overcome the stigma of the FRG, and how to work together. I was the only Air Force spouse and I was so proud of that! I can't wait to work with the commander's wife to become a key spouse again, and to work with the Army to implement their best practices. It is my hope and goal to combine the two programs and create one that works for the AF and see it become our standard. It is my promise to all AF families that I will not give up on this, that I will work hard for you all because we need the support! As I watch Ft. Bragg and Pope AFB combine their efforts and become a joint operations post/base, I wonder if that's what will happen for the families. I think it will.

Below are the links for the different family support centers; they're so cool!


Marine Corp:


Air Force:

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

It Became One of Those Days

My day started so great. I rediscovered this blog, I played with my child, and I hugged my husband. But as the day progressed I let reality creep into my mind. We have a cute house that we are renting here in Fayetteville the problem is that the previous tenents had two very large dogs that had fleas. We caught this before we moved it and thought it was fixed. We were wrong. My cat has fleas and is becoming very sick from them (she goes to the vet tomorrow), they have bitten my son and me, and both of us are having reactions to the bites. My baby is now congested again, and seems unhappy. I'm hoping it's just getting used to the allergens of the new house, but I could be wrong. Thankfully he goes in next week for his well baby check up. We are doing everything we can and now the property manager is sending out a professional bug man. So on top of having just moved in, we have a horrid pest infestation and I'm so sad. Tonight as Ian was crying, my cat was laying on the floor meowing in pain, I started to cry. I felt like a bad mom. I've done something wrong by wanting this house. Jeremy didn't want this place at first and I convinced him it was a good house and neighborhood for us. All I can think about is if I made a mistake. It's too late now because we signed a lease, but if this problem isn't taken care of in the next few days then my only option is to go to Jeremy's command and the housing office. I hope that we can get this fixed.

I know I'm not a bad mom, but today I really felt badly about myself and my decision. Tomorrow, I will have a different outlook. I can't wait for tomorrow.

Starting Over...Again

I have tried this before. I have failed at this before. Well, I don't know if I would call it failing as much as I haven't kept up with something that I like. That needs to change. Since I started this a couple of years ago a lot has changed. My husband deployed, came home, I got pregnant, I had the most awesome baby EVER, and we moved to an Army post named Ft. Bragg. It's home to the 18th Airborne Corp and the 82nd Airborne. We have Army Rangers, Green Berets aka Special Forces, and Delta here. What's interesting is that you can find out all of this online. Ha ha ha!!! I feel like a stranger in a strange land. To steal from an old Army slogan, I'm an Air Force of One. There are no AF Family Readiness Group Coordinators. They shy away from it because it's Army. The problem with that mentality is that it's isolating. I don't like being isolated from family support. So, here's what you will get when you read this blog: You will read about my adventures of being an AF wife on the most patriotic Army post EVER, a new mom, a happy mom, a FRG Coordinator, a teacher, and a woman. I'm just trying to get by in a world that sends my husband away to war zones and then returns him to me a different man. I'm just trying to get by in a world that I don't fully understand because my almost 4 month old can't tell me how he feels. I'm an Air Force wife and I am very proud to be one!