Sunday, January 2, 2011

Sorry...I'll Give You Something To Be Sorry About!

Have you ever noticed how much new parents apologize?  Really pay attention if you haven't before.  We apologize for everything.  If someone comments on why our child isn't wearing socks when it's a little, and I mean a very little bit chilly out, we apologize.  We say sorry when they cry, when they poop, if they're grumpy, if they're too loud when babbling, the list is endless.

Well, I'm tired of apologizing.  So I won't anymore!

For all of you out there with or without children, I need for you to remember one thing and that thing is this: my son can only communicate his needs to me by crying.  If you don't like it, then leave my presence and his.  I'm not going to lie; your negativity will not be missed.  It's taken me a couple of months to realize that I will not apologize for my child's tears when communicating his needs.  If he's just throwing a fit, then that's a different story.  But as I said to a friend, if I apologize for his only form of communication, then it's almost as if I'm ashamed or embarrassed by him and he behavior.  That's not right...not at all. 

For all of your new parents, and even old parents out there that think that you have to wait until the baby isn't so fussy before you go out, or say sorry when they spit up because they have reflux, or worry that the baby might cry when you go out to dinner, please just stop.  We have all been there and will continue to be there.  They are small little people that are not confined by the rules of a polite society.  And when you look under the cover of that polite society, you will see that we are really not all that polite. 

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