Monday, April 30, 2012

I Feel

I feel as if something really big is about to happen and I’m not sure what.  It’s such a strong feeling that I go to be each night wondering what it could be and if all will be revealed the next day.  So each morning I wake up with renewed anticipation…waiting for the moment that all will be known to me. 

I think that I am in the middle of it all.  Upon reflection of all that is happening in my life, I don’t know if I’m on the verge of doing something good.  I think I’m in the middle of doing something good.  I think the good is happening every day which would why I grin most of my day.  Seriously, I sit here and grin all day.  I see information flying through space, getting out to families, making people aware, and all I can say is, “impressive.” 

I know that this will be a short entry today and that’s okay.  This is to be a note to serve as a reminder for me and anyone else that reads this, that each day is a blessing.  Good things are really happening.  Instead of wondering what it is; be a part of the good.  

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