Sunday, May 22, 2011

To Feel Normal Again

It was so nice to feel that way with my friend Adria yesterday. She and her little girl Iris are great. I really enjoy hanging out with them and talking to her. Adria, is strangely conservative, not Republican, but conservative in regards to her government. However, she’s almost 100% crunchy hippy mom. The thing that she doesn’t remember to do is bring her reusable bags shopping. She forgets. The other thing I adore about Adria is that she doesn’t judge you. If she does it’s not to your face…LOL! I love that. It’s good to have a friend that you can talk about anything with and not be judged. I have a handful of those people in my life, and I’m so happy to add another.

Yesterday, we went walking around downtown and had lunch. It was so pretty, but hot out. Welcome to NC in May when one day it’s in the 60’s and the next the 90’s. Somehow I didn’t care that it was hot. It was just nice to be out, walking around and feeling normal again. Yesterday, the troubles and stresses seemed to melt away and I could just be me. I wasn’t the “me” that has a hernia, or lost her house, or has a deployed husband. It felt so good to just be normal again. It felt good to be Susan Reynolds, the hyperactive, zany woman, that’s super liberal, sees a bigger picture and has no problem letting people know what that bigger picture is.

Since Friday evening, I have felt normal. It’s so amazing how the camaraderie of woman, my new girls, my fellow wives/spouses have made life feel good again. They have been the booster shot that I needed! I needed to be able to sit around, talk about whatever, and feel normal.

I have to admit that feeling normal is nothing I am usually so cool with, but this time it’s really cool. We’ve just had so much happening. There’s so much going on with us that in all honesty, to just sit down and relax, it’s been amazing. It looks like things are finally starting to turn around and I love it. I love being normal some days. I love being around a group of smart and talented women. I love being around my son and seeing his cute face light up when he sees his daddy.

Yup, it’s been so hard lately, but I know we’re starting to get through it. I hope the little cutie house will be ours, and I hope that our family will be together soon. Until these things happen, I will seek out my normal day with more regularity, and I will allow their goodness to wash over me and cleanse my soul.

Oh, and I’ve made a decision, I can call it Flat Daddy, but to Ian, it’s just Daddy. I'm so happy he could join us downtown. 

1 comment:

Adria said...

I'm so glad we helped you to feel normal and just let go and enjoy yourself! :) Thank you for all of your lovely compliments!