Thursday, December 16, 2010

I never knew this until now...

A friend shared this with me today. It makes sense.

In a world where it's hard to get out, things don't appear as safe, or whatever the case may be, being a mom can be isolating. I love being a mom, it's the most badass thing I've ever done. I have a cool kid too. He's a bit intense like me, and I swear he seems driven by a motor at times. If he turns out to be ADHD like me, I'm super okay with that. The little boy, as I like to call him, lets me know exactly what he needs and when he needs it. Here's the isolating part. Moms don't really talk about anything. We put on this facade like everything is okay. Guess what, it's not. I'm new at this, and I don't know what he's crying about at times. The little boy can be tough too. He loves to be played with, and have my attention. Who doesn't? There is already a difference between boys and girls. My brother and sis-in-law have twins and the girl is far more independent at 3 months than the boy. Maybe it's a guy thing. I don't know because I'm new at this!!!!!

What's a new mom to do??? I blog and facebook. That's how I get my social interaction. I will join mom groups on post and I will get back into my daily grind once I'm more settled, but for now, I need social media. I would be sad to loose this outlet and not only would it make me sad, but I feel that I have info share. It's hard to be a parent and it's hard to be a parent in a new location. So I guess I would have to thank some people out there...blogspot...thanks, make me smile...thank you!

To my mom friends out there....I love you!

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