Thursday, December 30, 2010

A General Rant About Everything...Part One

There will be many of these.  Since I have a lot to get off my chest, I will start.  I might even do bullet points! 

1.  Christmas.  It was our son's first Christmas.  It was okay.  People are sad when I tell them the truth so I say that it was good.  We ended up driving up to Edenton and then on Christmas Day driving 3 hours to Fuquay-Varina.  I was tired.  My son was tired, and so was my husband.  Please trust me when I write that I will not be doing that again.  I will be with one set of parents next year and I haven't decided if it will be my dad and step-mom or my mom and step-dad.  The baby is only 4 &1/2 months old; it's not like he understands what's going on.  I truly believe that a baby's first Christmas is all about the parents and I never got into the Christmas spirit.  Once he's older and baby number 2 in on the way; we will no longer travel.  That brings me to rant number two...that's right, there's a second one!

2.  Expectation to travel...all the freaking time!  I am a military wife.  I think you would gather that from the title of this blog.  I grew up as a military child.  We were always expected to travel to see people.  When living in Germany, we were expected to come back to the states to see our friends and family.  Now why would I want to waste vacation time and a lot of money traveling back and forth to the United States, when I am living in Europe for free???  Not only that, but I can travel cheaply in Europe because I live there and know how to travel in Europe!  Save some money and go to stay with your friends in foreign countries so you can travel.  I realize for some people this could be their first time on a plane, and leaving the country.  Step out of the comfort zone and you will see a whole big world!  Also, now that I'm back on the East Coast, I'm expected to pack up my child and travel to see all of my friends in VA.  Not happening.  Get in your car and drive the 4 hours to see me.  It's difficult to pack him up all the time, force him to get comfortable in a new environment, make him sleep in a pack and play, all while he's teething.  I'm not going to do this right now.  I love my son and want him to be as comfortable as possible in an uncomfortable time. 

3.  Flu Shots:  I'm seriously against them.  I don't believe that they work.  I think they are a waste of time, money, and my sore muscles.  I've gotten the flu shot twice and been the sickest I've ever been in years.  Please don't tell me how they work, because in my experience they don't.  Don't waste your time trying to convince me because you won't. 

I think I'm done for now.  There will be many more of these rants, but I need my outlet.  Just remember one thing, please don't force your opinions on people.  I have to be mindful of that too, and remember, military families may move all the time, but we establish homes at our new locations.  We like our homes and would like to share them with our friends and family.  It's insulting and hurtful that you don't want to come and see us!


Julie said...

Wow. This was almost our entire phone conversation the other night! LOL

Seriously, I feel the very same way about flu shots. I refuse to take them and I refuse for the boys to get them as well.

littlep said...

We came up with a solution for the holidays... we aren't traveling on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. That is exclusively for our daughter in our own home. If the grandparents, relatives, or friends want to come by and share the day with us, great! But it's my turn to have Christmas in my own home with my own little family. It turned out great this year, my parents came up and Scott's dad came over... and no stress... I realize that this may not work for you for this coming year with Jeremy being deployed but it's something to consider as Ian gets older... I don't think it's selfish to want some exclusive holiday time with just you and Jeremy and your son.

Susan said...

Heya Little P. Thank you for your comment. You are so very right. It's not being selfish. We have to establish our own family traditions. It's something that my son and eventual other child will have to hold onto. Thanks woman!!!!